Frau im Profil lacht mit geschlossenen Augen

Chin correction – for a flattering chin

From harmonious to striking – the chin decisively shapes the expression and attractiveness of our face. A 90-minute surgical procedure suffices to give you a nicely shaped, clearly contoured chin according to your wishes. Bothersome fatty tissue in flabby cheeks or a double chin can also be gently removed at the same time. For a chin with an ideal profile!

  • Dauer DURATION

    Approx. 1.5 hours

  • Klinikaufenthalt CLINIC STAY

    Outpatient or 1 night

  • Kosten COSTS
  • Sport EXERCISE

    After 4 to 6 weeks; sunbathing after 8 weeks using sun blocker

  • Anästhesie ANESTHESIA

    Twilight sleep with local anesthesia

  • Nachbehandlung FOLLOW-UP TREATMENT

    Bandage and suture removal after 7 days; compression mask recommended for one week in case of liposuction

  • gesellschaftsfaehig PRESENTABLE

    After approx. 2 weeks

Frequently asked questions


Frequently asked questions

Here you will find the answers to frequently asked questions.

If you do not find the answer to your question, please do not hesitate to contact us.

When can the result of a chin correction be seen?

A few weeks after the chin correction, the swelling and possible bruising should already have completely disappeared. You will see the result after about three to twelve months.

Do any scars remain after liposuction as part of the chin correction procedure?

We take great care to place the small incisions as inconspicuously as possible. The scars of a chin correction are usually so small (0.5 cm) that they are hardly visible after the healing process.


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